信報 2009年9月16日
有時候女人的確很難懂。2009年一月號的《心理科學》(Psychological Science)刊登了美國印地安那大學(Indiana University)一項研究,指出男人,甚至女人,有時的確很難理解女人的想法。研究人員讓五十四名男女受試者觀看二十四條極速約會(speed dating)的錄影片段。然後受試者要回答「你認為片段中的男子對那女子可有興趣」以及「你認為那女的對男的又可有興趣」兩條問題(答案早由片段中的男女提供)。結果並不出乎意料之外,男女受試者都可輕易猜到片段中男子對女子有沒有興趣,但反過來要猜片段中的女人心事時,女受試者的成績略高(但也不全對),本身在拍拖或同居中的男性受試者,成績比其他單身男性受試者好一點。大部分男受試者基本上都是一頭霧水,看不懂女人到底想怎樣。
As the title suggests, you won't find anything here that will make you sorrow. Certainly our world is far from perfect, but that won't prevent us from viewing every thing positively. Drop me a line, but don't use real name. You're my good friend and I know who you are.
16 September 2009
15 September 2009
Number Discrepancies in Old Testament History
(Source: http://www.gospelway.com/topics/bible/number-discrepancies.php)
The Bible is often attacked by critics, especially regarding books of Old Testament history, because of obvious discrepancies between numbers given in some Bible accounts as compared to parallel passages in other accounts. Several such instances could be considered, but we will focus on four that are representative of the group: (1) the number of arms-bearing men in Judah and Israel (cf. 2 Samuel 24:9 to 1 Chronicles 21:5); (2) the number of Syrian charioteers slain by David (cf. 2 Samuel 10:18 to 1 Chronicles 19:18); (3) the number of stalls in Solomon’s stables (cf. 1 Kings 4:26 to 2 Chronicles 9:25); (4) the number of baths in the "molten sea" (cf. 1 Kings 7:23,26 to 2 Chronicles 4:5).
Note to begin with that these discrepancies are unconvincing as evidence against Bible inspiration simply by virtue of the fact that they are so obvious and glaring! Had these variations existed at the time the Old Testament books were written, surely the writers themselves would have noticed them. Even if they were uninspired, they would have corrected such glaring differences. This of itself argues that the differences did not exist when the Bible was written but must have been introduced into the text in later years.
Each of these controversies can be resolved by understanding one fundamental fact about the Hebrew numbering system. The Jews, instead of writing numbers out in word form, often simply used a numeral to indicate a quantity. Many of their symbols resembled one another very closely, the distinctions sometimes being based on such minor details as a dot or a variation in the width or length of a certain part of the figure.
Since the Holy Spirit guided the writers, the numbers in the original manuscripts of the Old Testament would have been written identically in each of the parallel verses. However, with the passing of time these manuscripts no doubt faded or became smudged so that, when later copies were made, certain symbols might easily have been mistaken for others. Combine this with the fact that the copyists and translators of the scriptures were themselves fallible and uninspired, and it becomes quite plausible for errors to have entered the text which we today would have no way of correcting.
Adam Clarke makes this point as follows:
To attempt to reconcile them [the number discrepancies] in every part is lost labour; better at once acknowledge what cannot be successfully denied, that although the original writers of the Old Testament wrote under the influence of the Divine Spirit, yet we are not told that the same influence descended on all copiers of their words…(Vol. II, page 378) [emphasis Clarke’s] ,
Although other solutions have been offered for most of these controversies, this one basic argument seems to be the most reasonable explanation in almost every case.
In closing, we emphasize that no issue can be proved to be a contradiction until there is no possible, logical answer for it. In this case, when the facts are understood, the amazing thing is that we have so few such difficulties in the Bible as compared to other ancient literature. Finally, and most important, we note that not one of these disputed passages deals with points of doctrine or with commands that are essential to human redemption.
Clarke, Adam. Holy Bible with Commentary and Critical Notes. Old Testament, Vol. II. Nashville: Abingdon-Cokesbury Press, 1826.
Haley, John W. An Examination of the Alleged Discrepancies of the Bible. Nashville: B. C. Goodpasture, 1958.
Keil, C. F. and F. Delitzsch. Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. translated by James Martin. Vol. VI. Grand Rapids, Michigan; Wm. B. Eerdman’s Publishing Company, 1950
The Bible is often attacked by critics, especially regarding books of Old Testament history, because of obvious discrepancies between numbers given in some Bible accounts as compared to parallel passages in other accounts. Several such instances could be considered, but we will focus on four that are representative of the group: (1) the number of arms-bearing men in Judah and Israel (cf. 2 Samuel 24:9 to 1 Chronicles 21:5); (2) the number of Syrian charioteers slain by David (cf. 2 Samuel 10:18 to 1 Chronicles 19:18); (3) the number of stalls in Solomon’s stables (cf. 1 Kings 4:26 to 2 Chronicles 9:25); (4) the number of baths in the "molten sea" (cf. 1 Kings 7:23,26 to 2 Chronicles 4:5).
Note to begin with that these discrepancies are unconvincing as evidence against Bible inspiration simply by virtue of the fact that they are so obvious and glaring! Had these variations existed at the time the Old Testament books were written, surely the writers themselves would have noticed them. Even if they were uninspired, they would have corrected such glaring differences. This of itself argues that the differences did not exist when the Bible was written but must have been introduced into the text in later years.
Each of these controversies can be resolved by understanding one fundamental fact about the Hebrew numbering system. The Jews, instead of writing numbers out in word form, often simply used a numeral to indicate a quantity. Many of their symbols resembled one another very closely, the distinctions sometimes being based on such minor details as a dot or a variation in the width or length of a certain part of the figure.
Since the Holy Spirit guided the writers, the numbers in the original manuscripts of the Old Testament would have been written identically in each of the parallel verses. However, with the passing of time these manuscripts no doubt faded or became smudged so that, when later copies were made, certain symbols might easily have been mistaken for others. Combine this with the fact that the copyists and translators of the scriptures were themselves fallible and uninspired, and it becomes quite plausible for errors to have entered the text which we today would have no way of correcting.
Adam Clarke makes this point as follows:
To attempt to reconcile them [the number discrepancies] in every part is lost labour; better at once acknowledge what cannot be successfully denied, that although the original writers of the Old Testament wrote under the influence of the Divine Spirit, yet we are not told that the same influence descended on all copiers of their words…(Vol. II, page 378) [emphasis Clarke’s] ,
Although other solutions have been offered for most of these controversies, this one basic argument seems to be the most reasonable explanation in almost every case.
In closing, we emphasize that no issue can be proved to be a contradiction until there is no possible, logical answer for it. In this case, when the facts are understood, the amazing thing is that we have so few such difficulties in the Bible as compared to other ancient literature. Finally, and most important, we note that not one of these disputed passages deals with points of doctrine or with commands that are essential to human redemption.
Clarke, Adam. Holy Bible with Commentary and Critical Notes. Old Testament, Vol. II. Nashville: Abingdon-Cokesbury Press, 1826.
Haley, John W. An Examination of the Alleged Discrepancies of the Bible. Nashville: B. C. Goodpasture, 1958.
Keil, C. F. and F. Delitzsch. Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. translated by James Martin. Vol. VI. Grand Rapids, Michigan; Wm. B. Eerdman’s Publishing Company, 1950
03 September 2009
甚麼是重要? 甚麼可以妥協?
Annie 是我的中學同學,本來書念得不錯,但家裏經濟情況不好,她是大女兒,中學畢業後選擇走進社會,幫助弟妹完成學業,弟妹完成了大學各自找到了工作後。 Annie感覺自己責任完成,找了一位很有上進心的男友結婚,我們同學都為她高興。
Annie 靜下來,沒有說什麼。
Annie想了一回,說:「首先我沒有我兩個寶貝兒女,他們是joy of my life。其次,如果我還是打工的話,我可能沒有這麼多錢,可以有現在這種生活。 當然我也有可能嫁給另外一個人,有另外一個家,有多少錢,但有現在這麼多錢的可能性也不大。」
Annie 沒說什麼,我也沒有逼她,這是需要她自己想清楚決定的。
Annie 是我的中學同學,本來書念得不錯,但家裏經濟情況不好,她是大女兒,中學畢業後選擇走進社會,幫助弟妹完成學業,弟妹完成了大學各自找到了工作後。 Annie感覺自己責任完成,找了一位很有上進心的男友結婚,我們同學都為她高興。
Annie 靜下來,沒有說什麼。
Annie想了一回,說:「首先我沒有我兩個寶貝兒女,他們是joy of my life。其次,如果我還是打工的話,我可能沒有這麼多錢,可以有現在這種生活。 當然我也有可能嫁給另外一個人,有另外一個家,有多少錢,但有現在這麼多錢的可能性也不大。」
Annie 沒說什麼,我也沒有逼她,這是需要她自己想清楚決定的。