Hi friends, I'm happy to set up Happy Day blog. I'll share my thoughts, photos and video clips here. As the title suggests, here you won't find anything that makes you sad. Certainly our world is far from perfect, but that won't prevent us from looking at everything positively. So welcome to this happy world!
Simple House Rules You may leave whatever messages you wish. Don't feel obliged to write to me only when you're happy. It's my job to make you happy, not yours! This is a public site; please don't mention your or my real name in your message (but web name is fine and indeed encouraged). You're my good friend and I can identify you from what you say. Let's start!
It is good you finally started it. Though I am an IT idiot and don't know exactly what "blog" is and how it works, I will explore it more during my free time
Life is Beautiful 1997
Dear Happy Day,
ReplyDeleteIt is my pleasure to get to know your blog. Your Chinese is good as well. I don't think it is only your position to make us happy. We also need to make ourselves to be happy. Life definately could be worked out by oneself. Don't push yourself so hard.
Life is Beautiful, What a nice name. It's consistent with our theme. Hope you didn't mean "life WAS beautiful in 1997!".
ReplyDeleteDear Happy Day,
ReplyDeleteCongratulations. It's very enjoyable to read your masterpieces ! I'm sure your blog would enlighten your visitors. Thank God for using you to bless the people around you. Keep it up as it is not easy at all to keep a blog alive !